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Learn more about compounds and your treatment

We provide effective tailored medicines and individualized customer service.

What is a compound?

A compound is a custom-made drug tailored to meet your individual medical condition
The compound contains a blend of pharmaceutical ingredients in customized quantity, dosage & form

With your physician, we consider all the factors that could impact the formulation of your compound:

Doctor looking at the PC display
Physical profile & overall health
Two doctors discussing something
Individual medical history
A doctor shows the mature couple a bottle of medications and explains something
Known drug tolerances | allergies | sensitivities
A doctor showing something to a man on her tablet
The health and condition of specific organs
A doctor standing in front of a mature man with his relatives in a hospital and explaining something
Physical limitations | dosage form preferences
A doctor uses gastrointestinal equipment
Any known gastrointestinal issues
Photo of a factory
Any potential environmental | workplace factors

Creating medications that are unavailable on the mass market

Creating medications that are unavailable on the mass market
Creating medications that are unavailable on the mass market
Creating medications that are unavailable on the mass market

An effective medicine

An effective medicine
Customized quantity and dosage of active ingredients specifically suit your individualized health needs

Ability to avoid unsuitable ingredients

Ability to avoid unsuitable ingredients
Minimizing negative impact on health, side effects, and allergic reactions regarding your particular diagnosis

Appropriate dosage form of drug

Appropriate dosage form of drug
Meeting your preferences and therapeutic needs

Your benefits as our patient:

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Personal support and care

A dedicated Patient Care Coordinator will help you understand your treatment plan
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Constant treatment improvement

Dedicated Liaison will monitor your progress to constantly calibrate your medication with your healthcare provider
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Quick delivery

Door-to-door medication delivery for most prescriptions within 24 hours after we contact you
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Insurance coverage assistance

Insurance complexities are handled by Billing Specialists to make coverage simple and convenient to you. We will help submit all required information to your insurance company


Your healthcare provider writes and sends us a prescription for a compound medication
The Clinical Team checks for absence of drug allergies, contraindications, and interactions with other prescribed drugs
The Clinical Team validates the prescription as appropriate for your diagnosis
A Patient Care Coordinator handles insurance copays, delivery schedule, and explains basic instructions for properly using the compound
Production Pharmacists prepare compound in PCAB-certified USP <795> laboratory according to the prescription
The Logistics team coordinates delivery of your tailored compound medication and collects signature confirmation
Approximately two weeks after delivery, you will receive a call from your Patient Care Coordinator to confirm that the medication works for you and to answer any additional questions about usage
We will support you throughout your treatment and, if required, improve your therapy in collaboration with your healthcare provider

Questions & answers


Why would I entrust my treatment to Mega Aid Compounding Pharmacy?

/ effective treatment with minimal side effects provided by customized medications tailored to your specific needs;
/ adherence to the highest industry standards in compounding creation, employee qualifications, processes & documentation, equipment validated by PCAB/ACHC accreditation and USP-compliance;
/ monitoring of your treatment progress through Medication Therapy Management (MTM) and, if necessary, collaboration with your physician to enhance your treatment plan.

How do I start treatment using Mega Aid Compounds if I'm a patient?

/ contact us by phone, SMS, or email using the "contacts" page on our website
/ provide details about you as well as your doctor’s contact information
/ then we will contact your doctor and manage the prescription for you

Do you accept insurance?

/ Most treatments are covered by insurance, including Medicare and Medicaid. But some of the treatments aren’t covered by insurance.

How do I get my compounds?

/ We provide door-to-door delivery to each patient. After a healthcare provider submits a prescription, we connect with the patient to ask some questions about the condition, confirm delivery address, and insurance coverage. Then we produce the customized medication according to the prescription and send it to the patient.

How soon can I expect the compounds to be delivered?

/ Most prescriptions are delivered within 72 hours after your doctor submits the prescription.


Mega Aid compounding pharmacy serves healthcare providers and their patients:

/ in all five boroughs of New York City

/ across New York State

Brooklyn Army Terminal 140 58th Street Suite 8G Brooklyn, NY 11220
Mega Aid Pharmacy II Inc
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